EY Law LLP is a Canadian law firm, affiliated with Ernst & Young LLP in Canada. Both EY Law LLP and Ernst & Young LLP are Ontario limited liability partnerships. For more information about the global EY organization please visit www.ey.com.
Tax Alert No. 57, 2 December 2020
“We will spend the winter working with Canadians, leading into Budget 2021, to plan and prepare our investments for when the virus is under control. At that time, we will be ready to shift into high gear. That is why we are announcing the scope of the plan now.”
Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland
2020 Fall Economic Statement
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland announced a broad range of tax measures in her first fall economic update on 30 November 2020. Alongside updates to previously announced measures in connection with the stock option deduction and the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) (and Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)) were new proposals relating to the corporate taxation of digital services and the deduction of home office expenses, among other topics. The following is a summary of the key income tax measures from the Fall Economic Statement.
Sales tax measures and additional details with respect to the measures relating to employee stock options will be discussed in separate EY Tax Alerts.
Updated proposals on the tax treatment of employee stock options introduce a $200,000 annual limit on employee stock options that may benefit from the tax-preferred treatment under the current employee stock option rules. The changes are intended to restrict the preferential treatment of stock options for employees of large, long-established, mature firms, while continuing to provide full tax benefits for persons employed in connection with start-up, scale-up or emerging Canadian businesses. The proposed changes, first announced in the 2019 federal budget, were scheduled to come into force on 1 January 2020, but were subsequently postponed to allow the government to further consider stakeholder input.
The updated proposals will apply to employee stock options granted on or after 1 July 2021 (other than qualifying options granted after June 2021 that replace options granted before July 2021).
The following is a summary of the key elements of the proposals:
Rules are also provided to ensure the limit applies to all stock option agreements an employee has with an employer and corporations that do not deal at arm’s length with the employer, and to determine the order in which stock options will qualify for the paragraph 110(1)(d) deduction when the $200,000 limit is exceeded, as well as the vesting year when it is not clear in which year the options are vesting.
The limit will apply to employee stock options granted by employers that are corporations or mutual fund trusts but will not apply to employee stock options granted by Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs) and by non-CCPCs with annual gross revenues of $500 million or less (see below). Where an employee exercises an employee stock option that is in excess of the $200,000 limit, the difference between the fair market value of the share at the time the option is exercised and the amount paid by the employee to acquire the share will continue to be treated as a taxable employment benefit.
To simplify the home office expense deduction process, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will allow employees working from home in 2020 due to COVID-19, with modest expenses, to claim up to $400 without the need to track detailed expenses. The simplified method will be based on the amount of time working from home, and the CRA will generally not request that the employees provide a signed form from their employers. The Fall Economic Statement documents indicate that further details will be communicated by the CRA in the coming weeks.
The tax deferral that applies to patronage dividends paid by an eligible agricultural cooperative to its members in the form of eligible shares will be extended to shares issued before 2026 (the previous extension of the deferral was to shares issued before 2021).
No changes are proposed to the corporate tax rates or the $500,000 small-business limit.
The enacted Canadian federal corporate income tax rates are summarized in Table A.
1 The EFS was delivered on 8 July 2020. See EY Tax Alert 2020 No. 41.
Several income tax measures, and the accompanying legislative amendments, are proposed in the FES, including measures with respect to:
Also, several sales tax measures, and the accompanying legislative amendments, are proposed in the FES, including measures with respect to:
The government also outlined other measures to improve tax fairness and strengthen compliance by:
Additional information and insight with respect to these proposals will be discussed shortly in greater detail in upcoming EY Tax Alerts.
For more information on these measures, see Supporting Canadians and Fighting COVID-19.
For more information, please contact your EY advisor.
Other personal tax measures include:
The government confirmed its intention to proceed with the changes proposed in Budget 2019 in relation to individuals with episodic disabilities, which were scheduled to apply beginning 1 January 2021 (see EY Tax Alert 2019 No. 09 for more details on these proposals). Any excess repayments of Canada Disability Savings Grants or Canada Disability Savings Bonds that are made on withdrawals occurring after 2020 but before the date of enactment of these measures would be returned to beneficiaries’ RDSPs after enactment.
Under the Budget 2019 proposals, the time limitation on the period that an RDSP may remain open after a beneficiary ceases to be eligible for the DTC will be removed, and existing rules that apply when an election is filed to extend the life of an RDSP will continue to apply subject to a number of modifications, including changes in respect of the assistance holdback amount (generally the amount of grants and bonds paid into the plan in the 10-year period preceding the payment).
The 2020 Fall Economic Statement makes a further modification to the assistance holdback amount, to ensure fairness among different groups of RDSP beneficiaries. The reference period for the assistance holdback amount will be adjusted for a beneficiary who becomes DTC-ineligible after the year they reach 49 years of age. It is proposed that the new reference period would begin on 1 January of the year that is 10 years before the triggering event (i.e., the withdrawal or plan closure) and end on the day before the day when the beneficiary became DTC-ineligible.
In 2021, the government intends to provide four additional amounts of the CCB to CCB-eligible families with young children. These payments are in addition to the monthly CCB payments that would otherwise be made. The first additional payment will be made after the enabling legislation is passed, with the remaining three payments being made in April, July and October 2021. On each of the four payment dates, a CCB-eligible family with family net income of $120,000 or less will receive an additional $300 for each child under the age of six;1 a CCB-eligible family that has net income above $120,000 will receive an additional $150 per child under the age of six.
An individual will only receive a quarterly amount if they are eligible for the monthly CCB payment in that particular month. The family’s adjusted net income for 2019 will be used to determine eligibility for the first two quarterly payments, while family adjusted net income for 2020 will be used to determine eligibility for the July and October quarterly payments. A shared-custody parent will be entitled to receive half the quarterly amount for each shared-custody child.
Equivalent quarterly amounts of $300 per child under the age of six will be paid to an agency or institution caring for a child in respect of whom the Children’s Special Allowance is paid.
The government announced its intention to proceed with measures to target what it describes as the “unproductive use” of domestic housing owned by nonresident non-Canadians. In the next year, the government intends to adopt a tax-based measure to address the removal of these assets from the domestic housing supply.
Over the next five years, the government plans to spend $606 million on new initiatives and existing programs to address international tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance. The funds will be spent on hiring additional auditors with a focus on offshore tax avoidance, enhancing the audit function and strengthening its ability to fight criminal activity, such as money laundering.
The government will launch consultations in the coming months on modernizing Canada’s anti-avoidance rules, particularly the general anti-avoidance rule to address sophisticated and aggressive tax planning.
For more information, please contact your EY advisor.
Budget information: For up-to-date information on the federal, provincial and territorial budgets, visit ey.com/ca/Budget.