EY Law LLP is a Canadian law firm, affiliated with Ernst & Young LLP in Canada. Both EY Law LLP and Ernst & Young LLP are Ontario limited liability partnerships. For more information about the global EY organization please visit www.ey.com.
In a news release dated 21 December 2023, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) provided an update on the process for claiming home office expenses for the 2023 taxation year. The CRA provided additional details in Guide T4044 – Employment Expenses 2023, which was released on 15 December 2023.
For the most part, the process for 2023 will be substantially similar to the process that was in place prior to 2020, with some notable changes for administrative efficiency.
In this Tax Alert, we provide a brief overview of the guidance provided to date with respect to claiming home office expenses for 2023.
The Income Tax Act (the Act) provides that employees are not able to claim certain deductions against employment income, including home office expenses, unless they have a form from their employer confirming that the conditions for the deduction have been satisfied. Form T2200, Declaration of Conditions of Employment, has traditionally served this purpose. Due to the number of employees working from home during the COVID‑19 pandemic, concern was expressed that this requirement would impose a significant administrative burden on employers.
In response, the CRA made the following two alternative methods available for employees to claim home office expenses for the 2020, 2021 and 2022 taxation years:
To date, the CRA provided the following details on the process for claiming home office expenses for 2023:
Revenu Québec largely harmonized its rules for home office expenses with the federal rules for the 2020, 2021 and 2022 taxation years and, consistent with the federal rules, the flat rate method will not apply for Quebec provincial income tax purposes for 2023.
As a result, the 2023 version of Form TP‑64.3, General Employment Conditions (the Quebec equivalent of Form T2200), no longer accounts for circumstances where employees are required to incur expenses related to working remotely during the COVID‑19 pandemic. Previously, where the employee only incurred such home office expenses, the employer could skip most of the Form TP‑64.3 questions and go directly to a new section where they were asked to answer questions that were very similar to the questions on Form T2200S.
Many employers have implemented work-from-home policies for their employees, especially since the COVID‑19 pandemic. For that reason, and due to the elimination of the temporary flat rate method for the 2023 taxation year, there is expected to be an increase in employee requests for their employers to issue Form T2200 for 2023. Furthermore, Form T2200S, which was less onerous for employers to complete, is not available for 2023. Accordingly, employers should be prepared to potentially have to issue Form T2200 to a large number of employees who meet the necessary conditions. The leading practice has traditionally been to issue Form T2200 around the time of issuance of Form T4, Statement of Remuneration Paid.
Over many years, EY has been at the forefront of a technology-enabled solution to ease the potential administrative burden of completing Form T2200 for employers. This solution is being refreshed to accommodate the CRA’s update on the process for claiming home office expenses for 2023.
On Wednesday, 10 January 2024, EY will be hosting a webcast to discuss the CRA’s recent updates on Form T2200 and home office expenses, and how these changes may affect your business. Register here.
For more information, contact your EY or EY Law advisor, or one of the following professionals.
Edward Rajaratnam
+1 416 943 2612 | edward.rajaratnam@ca.ey.com
Lawrence Levin
+1 416 943 3364 | lawrence.levin@ca.ey.com
Budget information: For up-to-date information on the federal, provincial and territorial budgets, visit ey.com/ca/Budget.