Florie Pellerin-Catellier

Senior Associate

Tax Law Services

A lawyer with EY Law LLP and a member of the Tax Law Services group, Florie’s practice focuses primarily on international tax law. She has been a lecturer in the HEC Master of Taxation program at Université de Montréal since fall 2012.


Before joining EY Law LLP, Florie worked as a law clerk for the Supreme Court of Canada with the Honourable Madam Justice Marie Deschamps and also taught international tax at the New York University School of Law.


  • LL.M. in International Taxation, New York University, 2010
  • LL.L./LL.B., University of Ottawa, 2007

Professional Accomplishments

She holds a joint undergraduate degree in civil and common law (LL.L., LL.B.) from the University of Ottawa and a master’s degree in international taxation from the New York University School of Law. Florie is a member of the Barreau du Québec, the Association de planification fiscale et financière, the Canadian Tax Foundation and the International Fiscal Association.

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