Remi-Julien is a Senior Manager of EY Law LLP in Montreal. Remi-Julien’s practice focuses primarily on indirect tax, providing both advisory and tax controversy services.


Prior to joining EY Law LLP, Remi-Julien worked as lawyer in law firm specialised in cross-border estate and tax planning for high net worth individuals. Also, he acquired experiences in civil and commercial litigation. Remi-Julien is currently completing an LL.M. in taxation law as part of the joint program offered by the University of Montreal and HEC Montreal. Remi-Julien is a member of the Quebec Bar, the Canadian Tax Foundation and the Association de planification fiscale et financière.


  • Called to the Quebec Bar, 2014
  • Post-graduate diploma in Tax, HEC Montréal, 2017 (D.E.S.S. Tax)
  • LL.B., University of Sherbrooke, 2013


  • Member, Quebec Bar
  • Member, Young Bar Association of Montreal
  • Member, Association de planification fiscale et financière
  • Member, Canadian Tax Foundation

Remi-Julien's latest thinking